The 6th annual fundraiser of the Ontario Employment Education & Research Centre (OEERC), in partnership with the Workers’ Action Centre, is only ten days away! Funds raised through the Workers’ Bowl… contine reading
Join us in celebrating the brave workers in our movement
The Ontario Employment Education & Research Centre (OEERC), in partnership with the Workers’ Action Centre, will host its 6th annual fundraiser on Saturday, November 4. With the money raised through… contine reading
Premier Wynne: It is time to ensure fairness!
October 1 marked the 4th year that the Ontario minimum wage has been indexed to inflation. The minimum wage increased by 20¢, going from $11.40 to $11.60 an hour. The Workers’… contine reading
Workers still stuck in Temp Nation
A recent Toronto Star exposé about the ordeals of temp workers gained a lot of attention in the media this month. Reporter Sara Mojtehedzadeh went undercover at Fiera Foods, a… contine reading
Restaurant workers stand up for fairness
Workers have been fed up with unfair and unsafe working conditions for decades. Now, with the hope of labour law reforms and minimum wage increases proposed in Bill 148, many… contine reading
What’s at stake with Ontario’s labour laws
Our decent work movement is going strong as the Government Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs began a review of Bill 148: the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act today. Just yesterday, we read the… contine reading
Let’s defend and strengthen Bill 148 – Submission deadline
After years of organizing, and most recently through the $15 & Fairness Campaign, we’ve succeeded in bringing important labour law changes to the table. Titled Bill 148 – Fair Workplaces, Better… contine reading
Victory — a $15 minimum wage and more!
We believed that we would win, and now we are seeing workplace standards rising! The Ontario government just announced its plan to raise the minimum wage to $14 on January… contine reading
Will the Government take action on $15 and Fairness?
Liberal cabinet members met this week to discuss whether some critical $15 and Fairness demands will be turned into law. It was a discussion that would never have taken place… contine reading
70% of voters in Toronto support a $15 minimum wage
A new Forum Research Poll that made headlines last week showed that 70% of voters in Toronto support a $15 minimum wage. These numbers are in line with another Poll… contine reading