My name is Angel, I have been a member of the Workers Action Centre for about four years.
I want to talk about the minimum wage, because it’s my concern. My situation as a low-income worker is the same as the majority of people in Ontario, and Canada. Rent is high and increases every year, transportation, food, personal items – the cost is increasing too. Goods are expensive, nothing is cheap anymore. We cannot survive with this minimum wage right now.
When my rent went up, I asked the temp agency where I work for an increase in my wages. I still haven’t heard any answer. I haven’t gotten any increase since I started working in this agency two years ago.
We need an increase in the minimum wage. That’s why we are coming together. I would have a little bit more money for my groceries, to get better clothes. We have to push to increase the minimum wage, because the people who are getting the minimum wage, we are in a poor economic situation.
We need to tell Dalton McGuinty don’t forget the poor people, don’t forget that we exist. We need to be coming together, because the power in the hands of the people. If we come together we can win.
If you believe the minimum wage should bring workers out of poverty. We invite you to join the Workers’ Action Centre and other community organizations uniting to build a provincial campaign the raise the minimum wage. Find out more here.