We encourage our allies and supporters to respond to the LCO call-out for feedback on this important research initiative by October 1, 2012.
“The latest LCO report is a response to the increase in precarious work and the predominance of women, immigrants and/or racialized persons in this work,” said Dr. Patricia Hughes, Executive Director of the LCO. The Interim Report includes draft recommendations designed to respond to the challenges faced by vulnerable workers in order to either reduce their vulnerability to, or the impacts of, precarious work. The Project focuses, in particular, on improvements to the statutory and policy framework of the Employment Standards Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act in protecting these workers. However, it also reviews and makes recommendations about existing community and government supports and programs for workers, employers and for training and education, as well as the role of labour organizations.
WAC participated in the Advisory Group for this research initiative, and has been using this opportunity to build support for our stop wage theft campaign and to fight for long overdue legislative change to improve conditions for workers. We will be reviewing the draft recommendations carefully, and sharing our analysis with our allies and community partners for support.
Click here to view the report and submit your comments.