10 days ago we began our 12 days of action to stop Wage Theft. And only 10 days later, 2 workers who shared their stories have seen a victory! A victory inspired by such a strong display of solidarity from our supporters – you!
Sajikaran shared his story of working for 1 year with no public holiday pay. Today he will pick up a cheque for the full amount owing to him from his former employer!
Juan Carlos described having to wait 3 years for unpaid wages. We carried out a surprise visit to his employer last week which resulted in the first payment in over a year and half being sent only yesterday to the Ministry of Labour, with a promise to pay the balance within the month!
These victories show that through speaking out and organizing victories are possible. The hundreds of emails and tweets sent by you is an inspiring way to begin the new year, working together! Lets continue to mobilize so all workers have stronger protection against wage theft in 2013!