The federal government plans to cut the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) by 40% on July 17, 2021. The cut comes as unemployment rates continue to rise. It’s already a struggle to live on $500 each week. If passed, almost one million workers relying on the CRB will be relying on only $300 a week to pay for rent, groceries, medicine and more. Tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and your Member of Parliament to stop this punishing cut to CRB – send an email today!

The federal government included this devastating cut to CRB in the federal budget, which may be passed into law soon. Parliament has been holding debates on the federal budget up until today, Wednesday, June 23, when it will recess until September 20. With enough public pressure, we can still convince the government to do the right thing! Today, please sign up for the Emergency Phone Action online from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm this evening.
Even if you can’t join the Emergency Phone Action, you can help send a strong message to the federal government. Take five minutes to send the Prime Minister an email and call your Member of Parliament to say: Don’t cut this vital income support! (find your MP’s phone number here:
This cut threatens the most vulnerable workers who’ve been laid-off from low-wage, precarious jobs – the majority being racialized, immigrant and women workers. If the budget is passed with the 40% cut to CRB, the Justice for Workers campaign will call for an emergency day of action. So please stay tuned to your email or check the Justice for Workers events & actions page! Together, we can say NO to this plan to slash federal income supports that are a basic means of survival for hundreds of thousands of workers.