As you read this, government officials are making decisions that could give equal rights to 1.7 million migrants over the next few years. Amazing organizing by farmworkers, care workers, international students, undocumented people, frontline essential migrant workers and our allies have brought about this historic opportunity: Our organizing this summer could win permanent residency (PR) for all low-waged migrants and undocumented people! Your help is needed to make sure Parliament opens the door to PR for all migrants in Canada, not just a select few.
Show your solidarity: Sign this petition and share it with at least three friends!
Share the #StatusForAll petition on Facebook and Twitter.
Another great way to show solidarity is to call and leave a message for the Prime Minister, Minister of Immigration and your Member of Parliament (MP). Take a few minutes to call every day!
Two key developments make this summer the perfect time to turn up the heat on our organizing. First, the Federal government unanimously passed Motion 44 requiring Immigration Minister Sean Fraser to create a plan to give permanent residency to migrant workers of all skill levels by September 8th. This could finally open the way for low-waged migrants with work or study permits to get PR! Second, the Prime Minister tasked Fraser with creating a regularization program that would give permanent residency to undocumented people. North America has not seen a full-scale regularization program since the 1970s!
The Workers’ Action Centre is a member of the Migrant Rights Network that is spearheading our regularization campaign. Many of our WAC members are migrant and undocumented workers who have risked their health at essential jobs and been denied equal access to healthcare and income support. That’s why it’s exciting to be part of the fight for regularization – for the chance to make sure no one gets left behind.
Right now we have a huge opportunity to influence immigration policy. Over the next several weeks, join migrants across the country to demand PR for ALL low-wage migrants and undocumented people. If you are in Toronto on Sunday, July 17th, sign up to join us at the Canvassing and Petitioning at Big on Bloor from 1 pm – 3 pm or 3 pm – 5 pm at Brock Ave and Bloor St W (1210 Bloor St W). There’s also a St Catharines outreach action on July 17 from 3 pm – 5 pm.
If there’s no action planned in your community, you can make one happen! Just download leaflets, posters, shareables and the petition to share and post in your neighbourhood and online. It would be great to see you at the Migrant Rights Network online organizing call on Tuesday, July 19 at 7 pm where you can get ideas on how to organize in your area.
I want to attend the online Organizing Meeting for Status for All on July 19
Pushback will be fierce from those who profit when migrants are denied equal rights. Bad bosses, landlords, private healthcare businesses, colleges and universities want to keep charging migrants more or paying migrants less to line their own pockets. Anti-immigrant racist groups will speak against the equality we urgently need. It’s crucial that we stay united and committed to sharing the stories and demands of migrants!
Be sure to follow the Migrant Rights Network and share our demands with your network on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Share your own messages of support for #StatusForAll and pictures of your outreach activities – don’t forget to tag your Member of Parliament and the Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau.
We have the collective power to shape our future. Now’s the time to speak out, loud and clear, for PR for all migrants who are essential to our communities.