Many Workers’ Action Centre members experience first-hand Canada’s unfair and racist immigration system. Without permanent resident status, we are exploited at our workplaces and denied access to lifesaving healthcare.
When we march for Status For All at the Migrant Spring Rally on Saturday March 16, we will be marching for equal rights and a stronger workers movement. Will you join us?
Yes! I’ll be at Migrant Spring in Toronto.
Workers’ Action Centre contingent at Migrant Spring march
Christie Pits Park, 750 Bloor St West
Saturday March 16 at 12 noon
(Find or create an action in another city.)
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Canada’s Immigration Minister Marc Miller promised to bring regularization to Cabinet this Spring. That’s why our organizing in the coming weeks is urgent: If we want a regularization program where all undocumented migrants get permanent resident status, we must act now. Join us at the March 16th rally to hold Minister Miller to his word!
Yes, it gets harder and harder to pay our bills every day. But this cost of living crisis is caused by greedy landlords raising our rents and corporations like Loblaws raising food prices to make record profits. Inflation is not because of migrant workers and international students who are working hard doing essential work and struggling to make ends meet. This Migrant Spring on March 16, we will show that we are united against and we will fight back against bad bosses and the politicians that support them.
See you on the streets!
No matter what your immigration status, workers have basic protections on the job. But if we don’t know our rights and how to defend them, we can miss out on those protections. To learn about your workplace rights under Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, sign up for a free online Know Your Rights workshop on Thursday, March 7 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Invite a friend or coworker and take notes together!