The Ontario government has re-introduced legislation that takes some important steps to improve the working conditions of workers in unstable employment – Bill 18 The Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger… contine reading
A recipe for decent pay and decent work
This spring, we have the chance to pass legislation that could ensure a brighter future for hundreds of thousands of Ontarians. Because communities around Ontario have spoken out about low… contine reading
New resources for immigrants and service providers
The Solidarity City Network has produced a series of new resources for service providers and undocumented immigrants to ensure safe access to services in the City of Toronto. Posters and… contine reading
Victory!! Funding cuts to Employment Standards reversed
Thanks to 3 intense months of pressure from our members and allies—$5.5 million dollars for proactive enforcement of Employment Standards have been saved from the government chopping block. The McGuinty… contine reading