When WAC members learned that the provincial government was planning to cut $6 million from Employment Standards enforcement in 2012, we took to the streets immediately and started mobilizing to… contine reading
Wage Theft Video 4 – Outdated Laws, No Enforcement are failing Ontario’s Workers
Lilliane and Vivian worked endless hours for two separate families taking care of young children and disabled seniors. As live-in caregivers, they gave their care and love and a majority… contine reading
Wage Theft Video 3 – Unpaid wages, repeat violations
Follow a group of painters as they track down a well-know repeat violator who has a history of hiring workers and not paying them. Inside the luxury condo buildings of… contine reading
Wage Theft Video 2 – No protection on the job
Mohammed and Lillia share their personal stories of wage theft and the fight to get their unpaid wages. As a student Mohammed relied on his summer job to cover his… contine reading
Wage Theft Video 1 – Looking for work: job scams & ESA violations
Join a group of WAC members as they sit around the kitchen table calling job ads from the newspaper. Listen in as employers repeatedly make illegal offers of work demonstrating… contine reading
Say NO to Bill 68
How would you feel if your wallet was stolen and the police told you to ask the thief for it back before they would help you? This is the question… contine reading