Watch the compelling video trailer for a new book by Saru Jayaraman, founder of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United.
Behind the Kitchen Door, scheduled for release in February 2013, is a groundbreaking exploration of the political, economic, and moral implications of eating out in the United States today. What’s at stake is not only the diner’s health or “foodie” experience, but the health and well-being of the workers behind the scenes – many of whom work for poverty wages, with no benefits or access to health care. The book follows the lives of ten restaurant workers in cities across the US – New York City, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Houston, Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Detroit, and New Orleans.
Though Behind the Kitchen Door talks of the American experience, we cannot forget that many restaurant workers here in Canada also struggle with poor working conditions – a minimum wage that is below the poverty line, no benefits or paid sick days, and little job security.
Click here to see the video trailer, and to learn more about the book and the work of ROC United.