Premier Kathleen Wynne responded to a new study on precarious work, It’s More than Poverty, and committed to working together to find solutions. At a forum launching the report, Wynne… contine reading
Archives for February 2013
Ground-breaking report on precarious work highlights need for urgent action
More than 50% of jobs in Toronto and Hamilton are unstable, temporary or part-time, according to a new report, It’s More than Poverty, released this week by the United Way… contine reading
The growing call for a decent minimum wage
The call for a decent minimum wage – based on the principle that work should bring workers and their families out of poverty – is building momentum. Over the last… contine reading
Decent jobs in Peterborough and Hamilton?
Community members described problems getting paid, low wages and a “trap of endless temp work” during a community forum in Peterborough earlier this week. Finding decent work in a… contine reading
Ontario workers need urgent protection from the Ministry of Labour
New Minister of Labour, Yasir Naqvi, has an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of thousands of Ontario workers by taking immediate action to address wage theft. In December… contine reading
Expanding access to city services
Undocumented people in Toronto could have greater access to city services if a motion before Toronto City Council passes on Feb. 20th. This motion calls for the city to review… contine reading